Our construction team has engineering, (re)insurance, legal and claims experts with the experience and knowledge necessary to understand complex risks, obtain insurance, or carry out reinsurance placements. Some of our specialists are professional engineers with more than 25 years of experience with construction risks.
Our services are available on all stages of development.
Our experience in this field is extensive and includes insurance of:
1. Complex transportation and infrastructure projects, such as construction of highways, tunnels, road interchanges and bridges
2. Offices and trading centers
3. Sporting venues
4. Energy and power stations
5. Land reclamation and ‘wet risks’ such as ports, berths, etc.
Our experience in these areas has been acquired over many years from all over the world, including Russia, Malaysia, Indonesia, Korea, Venezuela, Ecuador and many other.
As a result, we are able to develop and place bespoke (re)insurance programs for construction and erection risks for various OBJECTS around the world. These can include coverage for:
Contractors All Risks (CAR)
Erection All Risks (EAR)
Contractors Plant and Machinery Insurance
Delay in Start Up/ Advanced Loss of Profit
Building & Civil Engineering risks
Deterioration of Stock
Construction Professional Indemnity
Machinery Breakdown and Loss of Profit following Machinery Breakdown (MD/MLoP)